Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So i have my ubuntu up and running on my hp laptop. Got it up quite easily. My advice is do it with a lan connection. My wireless card was not accepted and i had to boot into windows a number of times to get the info and download the necessary packages. Quite excruciating.

It is now primary and i never enter windows. I link up just fine to my nokia N95, with evolution nicely. I will add the links. To my ipod. Although any tunes i purchased through itunes i just cant play. Damn you apple! And i haven't been able to find a decent online music store yet. Amazon got quite close. But i think they need a lot of work.

Pressing tasks ahead are to actually install backtrack to a virtual drive in sun virtual box, with a live cd image, that way all changes are real.

Get a music player to play through my bluetooth headset. As i want to take the head set apart, solder it to my soon to be portable speakers. And turn them blue tooth.

My speakers i am about to add two cell phone batteries to to make them wireless.

And do more msfexploit. I exploited a window's xp machine, but the session didn't stay up. I need to have a better look.

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